Imperial Dossier House Hawkwood (Fading Suns)

Imperial Dossier House Hawkwood
IllustratorIn: Steffen Brand, Carlos Diaz, Card Hassler, Benjamin Giletti, Sebastian Watzlawek
Veröffentlicht: 2021

House Hawkwood saw one of its own become emperor, only to be sidelined by Alexius in his bid to win the favor of all the Royal Houses. No matter. The Hawkwoods have remained ever stoic and unyielding before the tides of time and trouble. After withstanding years of raids by the Vuldrok, it is their turn to expand into the barbarians’ worlds nad take back their lost glory.

Includes: The Nobility, a primer on noble titles, inheritance, and holdings for all of the Known Worlds’ noble houses, major and minor.

The Imperial Dossier series examines in-depth the main factions of the Fading Suns universe. Each book serves as a primer on a single faction, commissioned by the empire for its diplomats, bureaucrats, soldiers, star-sailors, Questing Knights, and their ohorts, with commentary from the Imperial Eye. Each book also includes a “factbook” about a topic closely related to the dossier’s faction, and a rules section that includes new callings, perks, equipment, and event alien creatures.

Author: klenkes

Roland Lichti spielt seit 1985 Rollenspiele. Er verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt mit Computern und ist der zweitgrößte Torg-Fan der Welt.

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